Sunday, March 16
Welcome Springtime!?!
Between time change this past weekend and the warmer temps, it is beginning to give hints that Spring is almost here. No matter the weather this weekend, Sunday will offer us a fantastic opportunity to serve together as we help people experience the love of Jesus through our actions.
We will be in week 4 of our Deeper/Wider series, and will have a special guest (Brice Thurman from our InsideOut team) sharing with us in our team meeting.
Sunday Details
Message: Deeper/Wider | Andy Stanley
Service Order →
Sunday Snapshot →
Today's Plan A Visit Guests →
We Prioritize Our Guests
Come Prepared
Be Joyful
Make it Personal
9:15 a.m. Team Schedule
8:15 a.m. - Arrive to Volunteer Central
8:20 a.m. - Team Meeting
8:45 a.m. - In Positions
9:15 a.m. - Service begins
10:10 a.m. - Return to positions for “fond farewell”
10:45 a.m. - Dismissed
11:15 a.m. Team Schedule
10:15 a.m. - Arrive to Volunteer Central
10:20 a.m. - Team Meeting
10:45 a.m. - In Positions
11:15 a.m. - Service begins
12:10 p.m. - Return to positions for “fond farewell”
12:45 p.m. - Dismissed
Easter Baskets for Fostering Together
Our teams will again be partnering with Fostering Together to create Easter baskets for kids experiencing foster care. Check with your captain for details!
Want to learn more about how Gwinnett Church supports foster families? Check out Fostering Together.
Sign up to volunteer for easter
Easter weekend will offer us 5 opportunities to open the doors of our church and welcome our community. To create a great experience across 2 Good Friday services and 3 big Easter services, we will need your help!
To find all of our upcoming events, visit the Gwinnett Church Top 3 page.
Upcoming birthdays
Joyce Denicke - March 3
Donnette Sturdivant - March 3
Ellie O’Connell - March 4
Karen Hartman - March 5
Sakiyna Matthews - March 5
Kathleen Oliveira - March 7
Jon Kaplan - March 8
Aiden Kim - March 11
Carrie Tyne - March 11
Amaya Cole - March 16
Sean Kim - March 16
Steve Space - March 18
Josh Little - March 19
Olivia McNair - March 19
Ali Davis - March 21
Dave Artosky - March 22
Harold Anies - March 25
Dexter Sturdivant - March 25
Angela Perez - March 29
Heather Rudell - March 31